Interview Questions and Answer
a. clear()
b. refresh()
c. reset()
d. delete()
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a. object type data
b. primitive type data
c. string type data
d. All of the above
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a. IllegalArgumentException
b. IllegalStateException
c. ClassCastException
d. NullPointerException
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a. Set
b. List
c. Collection
d. SortedSet
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a. returns object stored at the specified index
b. store object at the specified index
c. returns a list containing elements between specified index and end in the collection.
d. none of the above.
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a. ArrayList class extends AbstractList class and implements the List interface
b. ArrayList supports dynamic array that can grow as needed
c. ArrayLists are synchronized.
d. It can coontain Duplicate elements and maintains the insertion order
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a. TreeSet extends AbstractList class and implements the List interface.
b. Access and retrieval times are quite slow.
c. TreeSet stores elements sorted ascending order
d. Uses a LinkedList structure to store elements
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a. java.util.HashMap
b. java.util.Hashtable
c. java.util.LinkedHashMap
d. java.util.LinkedList
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a. Iterator interface
b. ListIterator interface
c. Enumeration interface
d. None of the above
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a. java.util.Map
b. java.util.Set
c. java.util.List
d. java.util.Collection
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a. HashMap class extends AbstractMap and implements Map interface.
b. HashMap class is not synchronized.
c. HashMap uses a hashtable to store the map.
d. HashMap maintain order of its element.
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